Character Sketch - Peter (Chronicles of Narnia)

Peter is one of the lead characters from the movie, “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe”. He is the oldest of the four children who travel to Narnia.

Peter is a responsible boy in his teens. He has a tall and handsome figure. He also has a fair complexion with silky golden hair.

He is polite and considerate, unlike Edmund who is rather arrogant and listens to his sister attentively even when he knows what she is saying cannot be true.

He is upright and virtuous. When he learns that Mr. Tumnus the Faun has been arrested for protecting his sister Lucy, Peter immediately thinks that it is his duty to try and rescue Mr. Tumnus in return.

During his stay in Narnia, Peter's bravery and leadership skills increase. Peter is also depicted honest as he takes responsibility for his faults by telling Aslan, that his treatment of Edmund may have led to Edmund's betrayal.

Peter is caring and concerned, which we come to know, when he slays the wolf which had attacked his sister, Susan.

While staying in Narnia, Peter starts to think like a military tactician. We come to know this when Aslan leads his followers to the Fords of Beruna and Peter suggests that they camp on the far side of the river to protect them from a night attack by the Witch.

Eventually, Peter’s stay in Narnia throws light on all his characteristics and makes him confident.



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