Contrasting Cultures of East and West
There is a
great difference between the cultures of the East and the West, both of them
are ways apart, but each has its own pros and cons. The present times define the
West as both the leader and the innovator, but it’s not so, the Eastern Culture
is not behind. The people of the East had learnt the ways of living centuries
before the West, whereas the West is a newcomer and has advanced rapidly in the
recent past to overtake the East.
variation is because of the difference in the focus of life: while the Eastern
Culture has always kept spirituality as the primary aim of life, the Western
Culture gave material comforts priority in their life. Today both are important
for the overall progress of the society, just as a bird requires both its wings
to fly, mankind requires both to lead a balanced life. Material comforts are
important to live well physically while spirituality is essential to live
soulfully. Then there are other differences which have widened with time-
In Eastern
Culture, family plays the central role in one’s life. People want to be with
their close as well as extended family and always treat their neighbors as
family, while in the Western Culture one usually likes to live along with his
or her immediate family.
If you look
at spirituality then, the eastern culture gives more importance to religion and
faith, a lot more than the West, which is pro as well as a con. It is a pro as
spirituality plays a crucial role in keeping our mind and body calm but there
are many instances where religious fanaticism leads to intolerance.
The social
status of the women is not the same throughout the world. In the West women are
independent and make their own decisions whereas in the East, women who were
given a high status in earlier times, are now fighting to get even their basic
In the East,
people remain engulfed in blind-faith, whereas in the West, people started
questioning things scientifically which led to their advancement in Science and
Even the
mindsets of the people are quite different, in East, people prefer to think
intuitionally rather than logically while in the West, the way of thinking is
mainly logical.
The main
question still remains unanswered, which one is better. Well, if you are
looking for a perfect answer then there is none. But, one thing is clear, while
the Eastern countries slept during the last decade, the West rapidly urbanized
and left the East way behind.
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